UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing
UV2 Seal-X Dubbing

UV2 Seal-X Dubbing

$3.30 Sale Regular price

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A great seal substitute dosed with UV reflective dye to make your steelhead flies stand out. Use UV2 Dubbing Enhancers to mix in with any color for added pizzazz.
Dark Hare's Ear
Dark Olive
Flame Red
Fluorescent Orange
Golden Stone
Minnow Blue
Neon Pink
Royal Blue
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