Beautiful Weather Week

Beautiful Weather Week

The weather in Maupin looks to be absolutely perfect for fishing this week. The winds are light, temperatures in the daytime are forecast to be in the low 50s, and the river is in great shape. Camping at night will be crisp, but you can have a fire this time of year. The local hotels in Maupin are running special winter rates, so that is also an option. 

After a bit of high water a few weeks ago, we have now dropped into normal winter flows - a bit higher than you see in the summer, but not much. Trout tend to pod up this time of year, so when you find one or can usually find six or eight more in the same small stretch. 

Trout will be holding in that slow and easy water, as well as in tight to the bank where they don't have to make much effort to stay in the current. Before you go tromping into the river, make a few casts in close - you might be surprised by what you find. 

Nymphing and streamer fishing for trout will be the main game - with a nice dry fly session in the mid-day if the blue winged olives pop off. This is pretty much the story for a lot of the winter. If you take the time to learn some good spots, you can depend on those spots for most of the winter months. 

Remember, the river is only open in the Maupin area and north. The sections of river that are near Warm Springs, Trout Creek, and South Junction are closed until the third week of April. You will have plenty of water to explore in and around Maupin - nearly 40 miles of road access upstream and downstream of town.


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