The River is a Risin'!!

Hello everyone! We have returned from an overseas fishing adventure through Ireland and Scotland. Sorry for the lack of fishing reports. I can report to you today that the weather is beautiful out here - sunny, calm, mid-70s HOWEVER the Deschutes is on the rise coming out of the dam in Madras. This afternoon it was nearing 6000 CFS right out of the dam and rising. They are likely having to spill water in anticipation of a lot of incoming water this weekend given the warm temperatures. The water is currently fairly clear in town - at least 3 feet of visibility but the White River is huge (1300 CFS) and the Deschutes is not very fishable below the White.
Who knows what the dam managers will decide in terms of water releases over the next few days, but it is better that they get this spillage out of the way now before the salmonfly hatch starts up in about a week.
The big bugs should be starting to appear any day now - it would be rare not to see them by Cinco de Mayo. I was gone for three weeks and I heard that it rained here the whole time we were gone. If the water temps are a bit cooler due to all that rain, then the bugs will be delayed by a few days. We will keep you posted.
The river has been fairly clear and high above the White River and dirty and high below the White River. Best bet in the Maupin area is to stay above the White.
Tight lines!
Amy Hazel
Welcome back! Hope you had so much fun! Thank you for the update!