Weekend Fishing Report

Hello fellow anglers!
Sorry I didn't get this report finished yesterday - I was on the water doing a little interview with OPB discussing how water impacts our lives. Not sure yet when it will air, but it is a multi-part series about how water impacts people and their livelihoods across the state of Oregon.
Since I was on the water yesterday, I can tell you that fish were feeding on the surface the entire time we were out there. It looked like they were eating a mix of caddis and small mayflies. We fooled a few with both a small parachute caddis pattern and with a pale morning dun pattern. People that we passed on the river seemed to be nymph fishing, for the most part, and they were hooking up on nymphs.
The salmonfly hatch is now pretty much all wrapped up. Perhaps, if you go way up by Mecca Flats, you can find the last of the golden stones crawling around. In the Maupin area there will still be fish looking for a big yellow snack now and again, but the litte yellow sally stoneflies are poised and waiting for their moment in the sun. The little yellow sallies are still active and will be for the next month or so, which is great news for those of you fishing dry/dropper combos. You can use a micro chubby or a chubby sally with some foam in the body, giving the dry fly enough floatation to hold up a good-sized dropper.
The White River was a muddy mess all week but it has finally dropped and cleared enough to make the fishing in the river below the White possible. There may still be a tinge of color down there, but it is fishable in the lower river now. Trout don't really mind a tinge of color...they do mind when the river is a muddy mess.
Deschutes Angler had the pleasure of having a sharp young intern in the shop this week. Cece is going to be a senior at Lincoln High in Portland. This gal is an angler! She picked up on the ins and outs of working in the shop and was a model employee all week. We carved out some time to go fishing after work, and Cece hooked some nice trout on dry flies. Sadly, today is Cece's last day in the fly shop, but we hope to get her back in here some time in the future. The picture at the top of the report is one of Cece with a trout she hooked and landed on a dry fly.
Hope you all have a nice father's day and a relaxing rest of your weekend.
Looking forward to meeting Cece in the shop someday. Great report as always.